Registration Periods to VERBIS Are Extended

With the decision dated March 11, 2021 and numbered 2021/238 by the Personal Data Protection Board within the Personal Data Protection Authority (“PDPA”), the deadline set for the obligation to register in the Data Controllers Registry (“VERBİS”) for the data controllers, which was previously extended more than once, has been extended. In this context, based […]

Amendments to the Anti-Smuggling Law with the Law No. 7242


Overview Law No. 7242 Amending the Law on the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures and Some Laws (“Law”),  which is told to be aiming at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 in prisons, known as the “execution law” by the society and enacted as a “bag law” was published in the Official Gazette No. 31100 […]

Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Public Procurement Contracts

Overview Circular issued by the Presidency on the “Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Public Procurement Contracts” numbered 2020/5 and dated April 1, 2020 (“Circular”) has been published on the Official Gazette dated April 2, 2020 and numbered 31087. With the Circular, to summarize, the option of termination and time extension of the contract in respect of the […]